
Algorand Governance Period 5

The Algorand Governance Period is about to start. These are some of the most important topics to consider.

Introduction The fifth period of the Algorand Governance is about to start and there are some changes being introduced in this phase. The registration will close on October 20th and the rewards will be paid once the period ends on December 31st. As in `previous` governances, the `payout` of the rewards should be on the first week of January and depending on the wallet you use, you may also receive an NFT. The page where you can connect your wallet is included below: Algorand Governance Period 5 Nonetheless, before continuing, it may be relevant to know more about how it...

Tags: Crypto

The Ethereum Merge Explained

Everything that the Merge brings to the Ethereum network

Introduction In the last weeks we have seen a lot of excitement coming from different places in regards to what’s called the event of the year in crypto world. I’m referring to Ethereum and what is not a gamechanger just for Ethereum itself for the whole crypto industry as as result of the big changes that this fork carries. The Ethereum Merge has been one of the most ambitious and awaited changes in the network. Long-awaited because there first plans about this software upgrade data back to 2014, and the upgrade occurred on 15 September 2022, almost 10 years later....

Tags: Crypto

10 Benefits of HIIT

How HIIT can push your exercises to the next level

Introduction In the past years, there is being a surge on sport and health topics. We look more and more for some alternatives or variations of the most classic sports that keep evolving throughout years. One of the activities that has been quite trendy in the last years it’s HIIT. In this post we will discuss how HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training works and how it may help you in your day-to-day life. The different advantages that HIIT has goes from mere performance improvement to health improvements. However, there is more than this and HIIT also includes some advantages...

Tags: Health

Learn and Earn Crypto

Learn about crypto and get rewarded for your knowledge

Introduction Some centuries ago, different organizations across Europe and Asia were accused of conspiracies and polemics. Mostly these accusations were provoked by the information that these sects or groups kept for themselves. or Myth or reality, what cannot be denied is that in the Middle Ages, knowledge was something considered hermetic and exclusive to certain groups that wisdom for them and the exclusive members of their circle. Fortunately, things have changed in the last decades and in this era of information, we have more access to things we could not have imagined a few years ago. On the other hand,...

Tags: Crypto

Benefits of Traveling and How To Get Cheap Flights

Open your mind to alternative processes when booking your next trip

Introduction We are in this time of the season where airports are packed and there is a peak of flights when everybody is taking one or more flights to go to the planned destination some weeks before. Despite the petrol price, different strikes, and other inconveniences, after two years of the COVID pandemic, the flight levels are back to 2019 levels and the predictions for the next years are quite optimistic. This can be explained by the benefits that flying brings and the limitations and restrictions. we had in the last 2 years. The freedom that was taken from us...

Tags: Lifestyle

Affordable Watches Loved by Collectors

Some watches to add to your collection

Introduction It’s true that some of the most wanted and known watches will be out of budget for most of us. We have seen that the prices of luxury watches have gone to the roof in the last years. They have been mainly used for investment, hedging and protection against inflation, similar to what’s done with other alternative assets. That’s main reason for having seen the prices in primary and secondary markets skyrocketed. Although even if it said that watches are an investment on many occasions, in most cases this will not be true and even if you are an...

Tags: Lifestyle


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